Press release
Laval, August 30, 2012 – For twelve magical days and nights, August 2 – 14, audiences attending Festival Eurochestries Charente Maritime (in French) concerts in southwest France warmly applauded Laval composer Louis Babin and the Laval Youth String Orchestra (OCJL) directed by Manon Reddy. This summer the Eurochestries festival series took place in four countries – a remarkable cultural and musical exchange that brought together more than 300 young musicians, ages 15 to 25, from several European nations and Quebec. The Festival Eurochestries Charente Maritime shone the spotlight on the creativity and professionalism of our talented Laval musicians.
At performances August 12 and 13, more than 1,300 music lovers offered up standing ovations for the world premiere of a symphonic work entitled Saint-Exupery: de cœur, de sable et d’étoiles composed and directed by Louis Babin. An article (in French) in the regional newspaper Sud-Ouest describes the welcome the public accorded this work and lauds “…a moment of emotion, tenderness, a superb creation in three movements – Vol de vie, Les Adieux au Petit Prince and La Marche des Hommes.” A video on the composing of the work is also available on the internet.
The Laval Youth String Orchestra delighted the public during several concerts performed across the Charente Maritime region. A glimpse of their universally enthusiastic reception is reported in this review of their performance at Aunis on August 4. Directed by Manon Reddy, the OCJL presented a program of various works, including Les Beautés du diable by François Dompierre, Les Quatre Saisons by Piazzolla, Concerto en ré mineur by Vivaldi, and Les Variations rococo by Tchaïkovski. The young musicians and their leader came home enchanted by the experience. They are all hoping for an encore appearance at the next Festival Eurochestries.
Louis Babin acknowledge the financial support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec for the traveling fees.

Vasili Vasitov, Orchestre à cordes des jeunes de Moscou
Louis Babin, compositeur
Orhun Orhon, Orchestre national symphonique des jeunes de Turquie

Photo Y/C Clochon