Archives par mot-clé : Chris Cutler

CD Critic of Bassoonist

Wow! A critic already for the album Bassoonist just came out and it feels like a message from the past. As I said on my previous article, the recording of the premiere of Mellow Tones for Johnny was done in 1993. The concert was held in New York at the chapel of Columbia University. It’s funny to get comments about an event 17 years after it was given!!!

You can buy the album by visiting the AFMM website.

Here is what Chris Cutler from ReR Megacorp in England has to say :

«A very small, essentially handmade, edition of 300 copies of pieces researched and performed for the microtonal society at various venues in New York This is a collection of mostly microtonal compositions exploring extended bassoon techniques, the solo works often on the same turf as free improvisation, though not always. Louis Babin’s Mellow Tones for Johnny – for small ensemble – stands out, as does Talibanned Buddhas, for contrabassoon, cello gong, bowls and bells. A valuable window on a world seldom encountered.»

Chris Cutler
Surrey, England

Critique du DC Bassoonist

Une critique de l’album Bassoonist qui vient de sortir me fait l’effet du retour d’un fantôme! Comme je le disais dans mon article précédent, l’enregistrement de la création de Mellow Tones for Johnny date de 1993. Le concert était donné à New York dans la petite chapelle de l’université Columbia. Ça fait drôle de lire des commentaires sur un événement qui est vieux de 17 ans !!!

Vous pouvez vous procurez l’album en visitant le site de l’AFMM.

Et voici ce que Chris Cutler de ReR Megacorp en Angleterre en pense :

«A very small, essentially handmade, edition of 300 copies of pieces researched and performed for the microtonal society at various venues in New York This is a collection of mostly microtonal compositions exploring extended bassoon techniques, the solo works often on the same turf as free improvisation, though not always. Louis Babin’s Mellow Tones for Johnny – for small ensemble – stands out, as does Talibanned Buddhas, for contrabassoon, cello gong, bowls and bells. A valuable window on a world seldom encountered.»

Chris Cutler
Surrey, England