This year I decided to make the project of my life a reality. I intend to rush headlong to make my music heard despite the budget cuts in culture affecting me personally as so many other creators and colleagues.
I launched on January 18 a crowdfunding initiative to support the production of an album of my symphonic work about Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. (Over 70 backers supports the project.) The album will be the basis of a tribute concert honoring the author known worldwide for his novel The Little Prince and his humanist work.
You can help this project come through
By clicking on this link you can:
- listen to excerpts from my symphonic work
- learn more about the project
- give your financial support – possibility of receiving the CD and much more before the launch
My project will get funded on the Kickstarter crowdfunding site only if the $20,000. goal is achieved by February 23. So please take part quickly if you wish to do so.
Some of you would like to support me but are reluctant to leave sensible informations on Internet ? Please email me and I will give you my address in order to send me a cheque.
I will cash in the cheque only if the project is fully supported on Kickstarter (February 23rd).
Help create a buzz around the project !
You like it? Do not hesitate to spread the news by all means.
If you decide to participate, thank you so much! The early the better as it will help create buzz around my project.